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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Course

2 Subjects

Unit 4 Module 3 Discussion

Unit 4 Module 3 Discussion

Q Unit IV/Module 3 Discussion For this module, respond to one or more of the following prompts to explore the content in more detail. 1. What are your reactions to the Gerald Koocher article? 2. What do you view as the "next step" after taking this course? 3. Any "favorite" topics from the semester? 4. For this discussion thread, you are also welcome to post your own original questions to the class for consideration.

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My next steps after this class are to keep going and keep taking as many courses as I can to learn as much as I can. I have one and a half years left in my bachelor degree and this class really helped me to be certain that I am doing what I want to do. Even in the mock interviews in this class, I loved every moment of being in the helper role, even when I was nervous. I think another huge impact on me being certain was my job. I have only been working for a counseling company for the last six and a half months and it has been the best job in my life. Talking to clients about what is happening so that I can pair them with someone qualified to help is the most fulfilling thing I have done.